
Bzflag map making
Bzflag map making



The underlying intended abstractions are missing because only the resulting object primitives are in the generated map file, and there is no straightforward way to recover this (though software may be used to parse existing map files with the goal of augmenting them). The disadvantages in using this are that the underlying representation of the work is not available directly from the map file. Abstractions within map generation software are often defined to create basic tactically-relevant map elements - these then may be scaled, shifted, textured, or otherwise modified to fit a particular designer's tastes or constraints. Software map creation provides the map maker with the ability to customize objects in detail, such as whether the faces of the object allow bullets or tanks to pass, or the level of transparency to assign to any specific face, at a level of detail often hard to achieve within other 3D modeling tools. Writing such software usually requires very careful testing to guarantee that the bzfs server interprets the objects as the author intends. Hand-written scripting software may fit irregular polygons together, defining a sequence of mesh objects that seamlessly create, for example a roadway. For example, a program may take a curve and spin it about an axis to create a 3D surface (a sort of "lathe" in the virtual world), outputting faces at each increment of rotation. Mesh generation, while it may be done with Blender, etc., as above, may be done equally as well by constructing programs to output the faces required within a mesh. While simple objects may be fairly easily edited by hand, more complex objects, such as meshes, are more readily generated by software. bzw model file, which may then be read by the bzfs server. The objects are typically output as sequences of text strings to a. The core of software map generation is the creation of the basic BZFlag elements, whether the simple boxes, pyramids, etc., or complete meshes, by outputting map element statements to a file. AI-based software may compose maps based on specific design principles, aiming for particular play styles or tactical challenges. Basic objects may be stretched/scaled to fit specific spaces they may be programmatically varied in texture, color, and position software may (internally) represent objects and work with them so that they don't collide or overlap.

bzflag map making

One may, for instance, use variables to represent key heights or distances within maps (so that, for example, anyone at a given level may shoot someone at the same level), or to create composites based on collections of basic objects, co-located programmatically. Writing programs to output map files can be a very effective and efficient way of creating maps. obj file into a modeler and edit the map.Ĭreating BZW files via scripting or programming


To do so, you must connect to a server hosting the BZW map you would like to download and type /saveworld -o "mapname.obj". It is not widely known that you can export a bzflag map from the actual bzflag client in. Tutorials on using wings (not specific to BZFlag) can be found on the wings web tutorials pages, as well as a useful tutorial on UV mapping Getting Maps In. Wings3D allows you to export wings objects to a BZW file. It has a much smaller learning curve than Blender, although it doesn't have as many features. Wings 3D is a good modeler to use if you're new modeling.

bzflag map making

Tutorials on using blender (not specific to BZFlag) can be found on the blender web tutorials pages. The blender 3D modeling application features a plug-in called BZWTools, which enables blender to read and write the BZW file format and to create BZW specific objects.

bzflag map making

You can then either use modeltool or Wings3D to convert that file to BZW format. Technically, you can use any 3D modeling package that can export to. In general, these will only support simple version 1.10 objects, like boxes, pyramids, bases, and teleporters.Įditors supporting some BZW 2.0 features. At this time there is no custom editor that supports every feature of the BZW format. Each editor has its own level of support for various map features. There are a number of versions of BZEdit that have been developed over the years. written specifically for graphically editing BZW files) generally go by the name BZEdit. While basic dedicated map editors, such as BZEdit, can often only create simple objects, 3D modeling software can create complex custom mesh objects, but have a much steeper learning curve.ĭedicated BZFlag map editors (i.e.

  • 1.3 Creating BZW files via scripting or programmingīZFlag has several well practiced methods for the design of maps, from simple text editing, custom editors, to exporters for 3D modeling software.

  • Bzflag map making